The Meerkat Media Collective is a dedicated group of independent artists that are actively working on projects (individually or collaboratively) and are supported by the collective resources, based in our work space in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Residents provide mutual aid for one another’s projects and artistic development, receive a monetary stipend determined through an annual budgeting process, have access to production and post-production equipment, and attend an annual creative retreat.
Our advertising televisions channels entail a wide range of cable television channels. Some of our target televisions include; 7HD Sydney,, SBS NSW, 7TWO Sydney among to the stations. Therefore, it is vital that was advertised on various genres of television to make sure that the target audience of Meerkat is reached. Our targets have different takes of programs to watch. Some of them love watching movies, other reality television shows, and some music. Therefore, our main focus is to reach all of them effectively. Most importantly, these stations will be chosen to rely on their stable bases as well as high indices. Although, we need to go beyond just index numbers as well as the though regarding why the target audience is watching these channels. In fact, there are other channels also do have high indices, but it is essential that we reach every person and not just partition our advertisements only on the basis of indices alone. Our target audience is adults, so apparently, we will avoid television channels that are meant for kids programs. Priority will be placed on televisions channels that are more focused on the adult audience and also channels that are centered on innovation and business.
Print Ad
Print advertisement should focus on organizations. It should also concentrate on promoting Meerkat as official and best evaluation partner.
Use a mobile phone to text-in to obtain the customized school wallpaper as well as to store information.
The internet will play a big role in the media strategy precisely in attaining our objectives to enable customers to engage and interact with Meerqat’s brand and assist in shaping promotions. We will also use the internet putting banner advertisements on various commonly used websites by our target audiences to increase the visibility of Meerkat’s brand. Eventually, we will also have to put some ads on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Online flash banners placed at the homepage announcing Meerkat’s evaluation tools. The advert should begin to be displayed on issue on-sale 9/7. BTS banners will also be dropped off while NCAA D1 banner will still be in use until November.
Estimated media Budget
Media | Cost |
Magazine ( 3 magazines) | $300,000 |
Television (3 months for 6 channels) | $4,000,000 |
Internet (Mobile/banner advertisements) | $150,000 |
Total Budget | $4,450,000 |
Evaluation to set benchmarks
Our focus is narrowed to baseline media marketing capabilities. The benchmark shall use the following metric, which includes; demographics, frequency, traffic, and referral traffic sources and read the time. A comparison will be made to some of Meerkat’s competitors. Then carry out an analysis of the competitors then eventually create a benchmark report. The control measures will be utilized in aligning the organization’s media strategy to remain competitive and productive.