Origins Of Craft Making Free Essay Sample

Almost all craft objects are attributed to tradition as their point of origin. Most craft artists’ motivation originates from culture as they strive to preserve their traditions through craft objects.


The concept of origins in this clip is the connection of current activities and events with original culture.  Some key features continue to happen from generation to generation. Tradition acts as the basis of origin for a number of crafts. Almost all craft objects are attributed to tradition as their point of origin. Most craft artists’ motivation originates from culture as they strive to preserve their traditions through craft objects. Tradition has a rhythm and is constantly changing. Techniques, equipment, and material have distinctive aesthetics based on their cultural origin. However, they exist due to some historical, cultural and political reasons. For instance, most crafts are made from clay up to date. Originally clay is among the first materials to be used to make craft objects. Clay is considered suitable for craft making.

Craft artists borrow ideas and techniques from the old traditions. Craft making processes attribute to the original processes that were used a long time ago. Most crafts made speaks of the artist’s past life and experiences. The motivation and inspiration to make craft objects mainly are originating from life experiences and emotions. Crafted objects usually are of natural origin. The majority of crafts are made of natural materials such as wood and clay. Additionally, craft objects are mostly methodological or historical. Crafts reflect on the prior life existence of a long time ago. The message that is intended to be conveyed to the audience is the point of origin of the creation of a craft object. Craft objects majorly convey important messages and it is for this reason that inspires the artist to create the craft object.