My Free Reflective Essay Sample on Who I am

Reflective essays describe an event or experience and then analyze the meaning of that experience and what can be learned from it. What makes an essay reflective is that the writer is analyzing a past event from the present.

Free Reflective Essay Sample

I grew up aspiring to be an engineer when I grow up. My motivation steamed up when I was in high school, I was determined that I would not accept anything other than engineering as my career, specifically, an electrical engineer. Physics was my best subject and I treated it as a special subject. I was so overwhelmed with physic practical lessons and the projects that I would design in the school laboratory. Almost everyone in the school was aware of my passion for physics as well as my interest in pursuing electrical engineering as my major when I join the university. My friends had even begun calling me “engineer”.

When the time to join university came, I was talked to consider taking medicine as my major by my father. My father is a prominent surgeon and he wanted me to pursue medicine as my career like other him. My father is a conservative type of person and likes things being done his way. He wanted his family to major in medicine. I refused to accept to pursue medicine when I join university but due to his constant talks and persuasion, I gave in and accepted to take medicine as my major. When I joined the university, I took medicine as my course. To be honest, I had a rough time trying to adjust and develop the interest in this course. Everything seemed weird, and I totally had no interest in whatever was being taught. To please my father, I decided to try my best to develop interest and work hard to get a good GPA.  

In my first level, I put much effort and I was really trying even though I would sometimes have some random thoughts of quitting and changing to the course of my dream, electrical engineering. When reaching the second level, I could not take it any longer. I kept thinking of reconsidering to switch to take the electrical engineering course. I would no longer concentrate in my medicine classes as my interest was diverted to engineering. One day, I had a sleepless night. I could not sleep since I kept thinking about my life. I kept rethinking about who I am, my ambitions and my personal goals that I have always had since I was young. I had a personal reflection about my life goals and assessed the progress that I have made to achieve them. I found out that I was actually in the wrong direction. All my personal goals and ambitions were shattered and I had totally made no progress in attaining them. My dream career, electrical engineering, was no more my career and was substituted by a different career, medicine. I all over sudden came to determine who I am and decided that I have to follow my own conscience and focus on achieving my own personal goals rather than trying to please someone else while compromising my own personal goals. The following day, I went to the academic registrar and requested to change my course from medicine to electrical engineering. Luckily, permission was granted though I had to start afresh from level one. I was very delighted and went to begin my electrical engineering course full of motivation and feeling myself. In essence, real-life experiences make one to question every kind of action. This is evident in both my reflection narrative with who am I fictional depiction. In my reflection, the event whereby I had no interest in the medicine course and the random thoughts that kept coming into my minding reminding me to change my course to the course of my dream. These random thoughts made me question myself about the career path I was taking. For the fictional depiction, the part whereby Andy’s boss tells her to be herself makes her question herself about who she is and the kind of job she graduated for.