Money is a critical necessity for everyone. Money is mainly used in transacting between sellers and buyers. However, money is anything that is accepted as a form of payment. Regardless of its significance, money is accompanied by various negativities. From some people’s perspective, money is an essential necessity to sustain life. Money is also attributed to several undesired impacts. With regards to this, possessing money is accompanied by unspecified critical effects but money is not to blame for people’s unethical social conduct (ALGER, 121). Even though a majority of people tend to change in the manner they conduct themselves after obtaining more wealth, this is either due to moral or ethical impacts and not money. People tend to limit themselves to the ethical limits provided by society though the majority end up being involved in situations breaking the ethical code (ALGER, 122). In essence, even though money is a very important thing that people strive to obtain, it does not cause unethical behaviour among employees in businesses. Therefore, money does not contribute to unethical conduct in business in the current world. This paper discusses the reasons why money is not to blame for ethical conduct among employees in businesses.
As pressure is mounted on the employees by the management, they tend to cheat customers in order to save their jobs and for-profit (ALGER, 126). This is a big ethical issue that is under concern to various companies. The employees have the social responsibility to sell good and high-quality products to their customers are the right price. However, employees might end up cheating on the customers by selling them the wrong products that are of low quality as they struggle to make profits that meet the management’s pressures (ALGER, 133). Literally, social responsibility is not to blame for this unethical conduct because these employees have acted unethically without any monetary incentives for themselves.
Making profits is a social responsibility for the employees. And also social responsibility does not make people act unethically (ALGER, 149). In my view, it is the managerial pressures, moral issues, and other social aspects that lead to the development of the employees’ unethical conduct. Morals are personal. They are personally induced or obtained from a parent, family or religion; therefore certain moral issues may conflict with work ethics leading to ethical behaviours. Even though people have the desire to make money in order to meet their needs and sustain their lives, it is not money that causes them to act in that manner it is their own personal desires stimulated by their own moral behaviours that make them cheat in businesses.
Most people view capitalism as evil yet capitalism is a good thing. The gap between the rich and the poor is blamed to be due to capitalism (ALGER, 144). Inequality is intrinsic to capitalism as the investors supplying financial capital in exchange for equity are always taking a large amount of the economic share. As investors take a large share, the remaining limited resources are shared among the employees which are always a small amount. As the company receives a small share, they tend to compensate by selling poor quality products to the customers.
In essence, social responsibility is not to blame for unethical conduct among people. Even though making profits is socially responsible, people tend to act unethically with no monetary incentives. Social responsibility does not make people act unethically but moral behaviours do. Therefore, money is in no way to blame for unethical conduct.