Reflective Essay

Reflective writing is a form of creative writing where you examine an experience or situation through self-reflection. Through the course of creating the reflective paper, you describe insights that you gained or express your views on some experience. Reflective essays are typically personal writings about an experience, but they can be made up as well.


Academic Rigor – A Discursive Essay

How is academic rigor defined? As part of the PRISM Project (Partnership for Reform in Science and Mathematics), I have been involved in discussions of this question as it relates to challenging courses and curricula in the natural sciences & mathematics.

My Reflective Essay During Teaching Practice

I am currently on a teaching practice placement in an adult education college in the south-west of England, learning how to teach GCSE maths to various groups of adults. I have only just started the placement, so I am mainly assisting the class tutors and have just started planning and delivering a small part of each lesson.

A Reflection on Adult Learning

When focusing on adult learning, one is surprised at how multifaceted this field is.  Complexities of ‘self’ and identity are inextricably intertwined with one’s social and cogitative development in adulthood.

Academic Rigor in Teaching & in Learning

Academic rigor requires a dynamic approach to honoring the value of teaching, knowing, and learning as communal acts that cannot occur in a vacuum. There must be a shared vision of excellence that is supported by policy and practice at all levels of the university and that extends into both private and public realms of activity.

Reflective Essay on Educational Leadership

What does quality mean in the context of education? Many definitions of quality in education exist, testifying to the complexity and multi-faceted nature of the concept. The terms efficiency, effectiveness, equity and quality have often been used synonymously.